X Window System Toolkits

A toolkit in the X Window System is a piece of software that is responsible for drawing user interface elements on the screen. Such elements generally correspond to menus, drop down lists, buttons, scroll bars, and related elements.

In other graphical systems such as Windows or MacIntosh, the toolkit is directly part of the operating system. In this way, the programmer has no way to influence the look and feel of the application, other than using the existing system toolkit in innovative ways.

On the X Window System, on the other hand, programmers can decide on how these elements will be created and used. One can, for example, create a completely new toolkit to satisfy program requirements or to be used by other applications. This is exactly what the creators of Gtk+ and the Qt toolkit have done.

The flexibility of X allows different toolkits to co-exist in the same machine. Here are some of the best known toolkits currently used in UNIX and Linux applications:

Tags: X, programming, Linux, Unix, X, Protocol, X, Windows, Motif, Gtk, Qt
Article created on 2010-08-18 11:23:03

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